Posts tagged healing
Emotional Currency and Depression: Learning to invest properly

Your emotional currency is the greatest form of currency you have. What you pour your emotions into materializes in front of you whether it’s good or bad. The return on investment when you’re emotionally spending in areas that don’t serve you is zero. You get nothing. Emotional currency is something I didn’t understand until the beginning of this year. My emotional attachments weren’t helping me for the vast majority of my life, and they caused me to invest my emotional currency into spaces that helped others to yield what they wanted, while I got nothing in return. It’s not easy to accept a lot of the hardships we’re dealt in life. I don’t have some quick hack on how to spring yourself out of depression and I won’t pretend like I do.

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Dancing with Depression

Sometimes I find myself taking part in a different kind of partner dance than the one with my significant other. I have this ongoing relationship with depression, and no matter how hard I try to break up with it, it just won’t leave me alone. My whole life I’ve spent the vast majority of my time blocking out the things that caused me heartache. 

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