Living Fearlessly


I think a lot of times we get scared of seeking out the things that truly make us happy. Or of living a life where we are doing things that genuinely bring us joy and peace within our souls. We spend a lot of time being told we have to do certain things and that may mean sacrificing our happiness but I’m here to tell you don’t let that be your only narrative. You are allowed to chase what you want in life. Bringing your dreams to the forefront is a great way to honor yourself and your life. You do not have to live an unfulfilling life. You can absolutely do the things people told you that you wouldn’t or even couldn’t. 

Sometimes in life, we meet people that are scared of their own potential and they choose to live their life in a way that they feel best suits them. Just because they were scared to live out and chase after what set their soul on fire, doesn’t mean you have to be. Also, know that not every day is going to be an easy one. More often than you’d like, it’s going to be hard. There are going to be days when you feel defeated and beat down but that’s apart of life, no matter your journey. Figure out and see if the journey you’re on is the one that you truly want to be on. Or is it something you felt pressured to do because of external factors? Decide what you can do to change the answers you don’t like and forge ahead in ways that honor the space you’d like to be in. 

Don’t be scared. Just do it!

Digital Dashh