

The plan is set. The motions have started, but they’re not like the others. This one is different. 

This plan is destiny. 

A destiny that has found its way home. Have you ever felt the world around you shifting out of your comfort zone? Turning what was once comfortable into something that’s now uncomfortable, complicated, and wholly unnecessary. 

That’s the universe knocking to tell you it’s time to let go. 

It’s time for a change, and to prepare because life’s transitions aren’t easy by any means. Some days are easier than others but the reality is that you’re going to face difficulties. It’s inevitable. 

Have you ever noticed how life challenges you when you say you want to do things differently? Slowly but surely the life you’re used to begins to change. With new endeavors come new challenges. 

Each level has its own set of new challenges, or devils, as some of us may call them. There’s nothing to be afraid of in rising to the top. The challenges are there yes, but you’ve already faced so much more. You’ve already gotten through some of the most difficult challenges life can throw your way. You have weathered the storms and weathered them well. Most people don’t even realize you’ve weathered any.

That’s because you still manage to shine bright and act as a light in others’ lives. Light is a funny thing because sometimes it’s painful at first. You know the saying, everything in the dark eventually comes to light. You never know the darkness that people face until the light shows you. Whether that’s through them voluntarily showing you or the Universe dropping the hints for you. It is an inevitable moment in life. Light sometimes burns, but once you adjust to it, it feels liberating almost. You revel in it. So no matter what stage of your life you’re in, whether it’s the storm or the aftermath, don’t be afraid of the light that’s there.

Recognizing that this is a part of life’s natural cycle helps you to put it all into perspective. Not everything is in your control. The sooner you learn that the easier life will get. What’s in your control is how you respond and react to what’s at each new level. Life isn’t about perfection, it’s about growth. The only thing you should look to do in life is grow. We never stop growing up, which means we never stop learning. We can choose to ignore lessons that come with growing up, or we can face them head-on. There’s power in every lesson that’s there to learn. You become more powerful with each one you choose to learn. Listen to your life’s currents. Listen to what lessons keep showing up in your life. The one’s that repeat themselves are only there because we keep avoiding them. 

I cannot stress how many times I learned the same lesson when I was actively ignoring every sign in my life. I didn’t want to be responsible and I found excuse after excuse for it. I’m really happy that I haven’t spent any more of my life being that way. I don’t like it when people give me excuses so how could I give them to myself? What I’ve learned about myself from July 2019 into today is so much more valuable than I could have ever imagined. I know how to be true to myself without dimming the lights of others. I have always known how to do that, but I apply it to my life now. I don’t hold back in my expression of truth and I know how to effectively communicate my points without lacing them in emotion. The level of emotional detachment is something I was good at with certain parts of my life, but not all. It’s made working that much better too. I’m able to tackle projects and not get emotionally invested in a way that hinders me but instead allows me to manage my time better. It’s really beautiful being able to connect pieces of your life so that the flow is natural. Swimming upstream isn’t the way to go. Sometimes you’ll have to navigate the waters of your life, and other times, you’ll be able to enjoy the waves like you’re on a lazy river. 

Take your time in it all. There’s no rush, truly. 

Digital Dashh