The Red Flag Dating Cycle
The red flags are there and you need to stop ignoring them.
We decided to go our separate ways. And it certainly wasn’t as simple as that sentence sums it up to be. It was a long arduous haul. One that had some wild ups and downs for lovers.
I don’t think it’s supposed to be that way. Though as a society we normalize the struggle and battle for power between lovers.
We probably shouldn’t though.
It all started so lustfully.
Red flag 🚩 #1
Almost instantly I found myself intertwined with him like vines. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear and I into his.
Red flag 🚩 #2
That’s why this was destined for disaster. A foundation built upon deception is no recipe for success.
The disaster came faster than the lust.
In a flash, he went from shiny and new to dull and regular.
It all happened so quickly.
Maybe it was the late nights alone.
Or the frantic phone calls searching.
Perhaps it was the fleeting sweet feelings with each passing day as our disdain for one another grew.
That seems to be the cycle of the digital dating age.
You find someone and don’t know much about them.
Nor do you care to truly get to know them.
They fit a particular moment and aesthetic that you’re after.
Once you have it and realize it’s not as shiny as you thought.
You put it down.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.