News: Is it real? Or is it fake?
Let's talk about this phenomenon of "fake news".
You CANNOT and SHOULD NOT refer to something you do not like, or an opinion you do not agree with, as fake news, simply because it differs from your cup of tea.
The mass media, consists of a number of companies. It isn't just CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times - Fox News is included in it as well - much to some peoples' dismay, (and a surprise to others). I think it's really important that we set the record straight. Especially after this weekend's abhorrent and tragic events in Charlottesville, VA. There's this idea that all mass media is fake news, because the way that they cover stories, and mostly because they tend to (rightfully so) lambaste the sitting President for all of his shenanigans. Let's clear this up though, it's not fake news - it's (sometimes, okay most times) biased news - but that doesn't make it any less real or accurate. Fake news is a tabloid. Ya know, like the National Enquirer, InTouch Weekly, and all that jazz. That's fake news. Stories that are based on falsehoods and not truths. Fake news is the false propaganda that you sometimes see on the Interwebs from people who started blogs and vlogs that became quite popular and caught on amongst a certain group of people. Yes, there is propaganda on both sides. Sometimes you'll see propaganda from liberals and sometimes you'll see it from conservatives. However it's important to be clear and state that not all propaganda is bad, and or based off of falsehoods.
If you go back to World War II, the United States Government put out loads of propaganda to get people, mainly women to work in the labor factories that made our war supplies, because the men that previously filled those jobs were drafted and enlisted to go to war. One of the greatest and most popular pieces of government propaganda put out from that time, and in general, is Rosie the Riveter. Shocker, right?
So, now that we've had that brief little history lesson, let's get back to business.
Fake news seems to be the term that is used when it is reported by companies like CNN, MSNBC, and others alike, that the current President is acting less than Presidential by either engaging in bad behavior, and/or making unwise, irresponsible off the cuff decisions and remarks.
Hi. Earth to Trump Supporters - that doesn't make it fake news. Yes, there are anchors and journalists that are not fans of his, and while you are a fan and avid supporter, they are not obligated to be as well. They are entitled to their opinions, just like you are. They are also still expected to do their jobs. It is their job to tell you what is going on in the world. It is their job to keep you up to speed on the President's actions. If his actions are wrong, it is their job to call them out as wrong. Also, stating something as wrong, isn't always an opinion, it's generally a fact. We all know the difference between right from wrong. It's a lesson you usually start to receive as a kid, and you see it come up over and over again in your lifetime. It is wrong to steal. It is wrong to lie. It is wrong to harm others out of unjust and ignorant hatred. I could go on, but, I think you all get the point.
You are absolutely allowed to have a different opinion on politics, religion, money, spending habits, movies, books, etc... The issue with opinions comes in more so, when your opinion is about bringing harm and being hateful towards groups of people who look and worship different. Spewing hateful rhetoric about how awful people are because of the God that they worship (which, hey, you probably don't know this, but, it's secretly the same God you worship - they just call him a different name) is not okay. Justifying the death of someone because of their skin color, religion, and/or gender is not okay, it's wrong.
The role of the media is to be responsible and accurate in their stories and findings. Which means, part of their role is to also disavow hatred. They are the fourth branch of government. They are the voice the people hear first. Part of why this is so dangerous is because we as citizens, rely heavily on responsible journalists to keep us informed. Think back to the journalists who broke the Watergate story. A good journalists wants you to know what's going on, so you can be responsible and aware in your decision making process when you vote. When it's time to go vote, you should know ALL the facts or as many as you can about each candidate. They are doing their job when they deliver news to you. Sometimes you're going to hear about things you don't necessarily care about - or want to hear - but that doesn't make it any less true. Think back to the times your parent lectured you on things you didn't care about, but then later on in life, that lecture became relevant and you understood why they did it. The media works the same way. I am not saying that they are always 100% accurate or responsible, because they aren't, but MAJORITY of the time, they are and they're doing a pretty damn good job.
It is your job as a citizen of this country, member of society, and human being, to be responsible and keep yourself WELL INFORMED.
Well informed does not mean that you get your news from one source. It means you should watch a myriad of news sources. You should not just be watching one network, because chances are, there's a bias. Yeah, we all have that one that we like more than others, but don't not watch the others because you don't like the way the girl on that one show looks, or because you feel like you've gotten everything you need to know. This message is especially for those who ONLY watch Fox, or ONLY watch MSNBC. Even CNN carries bias, and as of late, I'm sure some would say they're a lot more left leaning than they used to be, but, they're still a bit more centrist than MSNBC. Watch them all if you have the access and ability to. Watch the local news channels, switch between CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox Five. Do whatever you can to make sure you get everything you possibly can.
So let's recap, just in case you forgot why we're here.
Fake News is a tabloid, blog/vlog, or any other story based on OPINIONS & FALSEHOODS.
Mass Media is not Fake News.
Fox is apart of the Mass Media.
If Mass Media is Fake News, then Fox is Fake News. Now, I'm sure there's a lot of you that would disagree with that statement, and you might be wondering how I got there. Remember in math class a+b=c?
a = mass media companies (CNN, MSNBC, Fox, NYT, WaPo)
b = true, factual based evidence you don't care for and or disagree with, so you deem them fake.
c = fake news
So, if Fox is not fake news, then by default the Mass Media is not fake news because Fox is Mass Media.
Stop being irresponsible and uncomfortable. Stop saying something is fake because you do not fully understand, agree with, and/or like what is being said. Be accountable, be responsible. Ignorance is not bliss, the more you know, the better off you are. Get as much news from as many CREDIBLE places as possible. Don't be lazy.