My Fellow Americans
The question to ask now, is, do white people feel as though they’re being judged when they walk down the street yet?
If the answer is yes, good, because now you know what it feels like.
Your privilege has protected you for years. You directly benefit from white supremacy and have since the inception of this country. It also seems like it's much easier to ignore something that doesn't affect you, because of the color of your skin. So now that the tables are starting to turn a little bit, and it seems like the worst thing you can call a white person is, racist - how does it feel? Now that there are people who think you’re nasty, vile scum, as soon as they see you based off of your skin color. It's not fun being on this side where people look at you with a questionable eye, is it?
America was founded by white supremacists. Yeah they had some other great ideas but they were slave owning, violent, raping white supremacists. You can not argue that, that’s a simple fact.
It’s nice everyone keeps saying the events that took place in Charlottesville are not America, but, the thing is, that’s exactly what America is and has been.
The Civil War was not fought because The Union cared about Black people in regards to their humanity and or because they felt any compassion. It was solely because they needed the numbers to win in the South. Stop pushing the agenda that because of the victory from the Civil War that black peoples lives were all of a sudden violent and worry free. Racism didn’t leave the South or the North. Jim Crow laws were then created to SOLELY police blacks. No other reason. Just to stop free slaves from doing the same thing as White Americans. It also doesn’t mean Blacks in Northern states were miraculously treated better either.
The thing about White Supremacy is that it’s a national ideology. White people everywhere can and do feel superior to a minority but especially so, towards Blacks. To defeat White Supremacy you have to understand that it does not affect just one single type of White person. They all benefit from it. Whether they want to or not. That is a lot of the reason why a lot of them can feel indifferent about unjust deaths, and stay quiet.
The idealistic America may be what you want to see, but let’s be very clear, it is not here yet. We haven’t overcome or learned from our history. So, please stop acting like we have.
Vice: Race & Terror in Charlottesville
At 7:50 there’s a White Supremacist, explaining what he hoped to get from the Charlottesville rally. In essence, he says he is there to fight for his country. That his forefathers built. Now, I’m sure there’s some of you who are brushing him off as crazy - but here's the thing - he’s not as crazy as you think he is. Sadly, he’s sorta right.
His ideas and thoughts are truly what the inception of this country was built off of. Yes it may be archaic, but it’s still served and continues to serve as something he, and people who look like him, benefit from. The constitution was written by men who OWNED slaves. So yes while our founding fathers did some praiseworthy things, they were still white supremacists. The gentleman from the video not lying and he's not all that off track when he says he wants to preserve the America his forefathers worked so hard to build. We have an ugly history and a masked present. Until we acknowledge and teach history accordingly, we will continue to have moments of civil unrest and clashing. We as a country have NEVER disavowed White Supremacy. There have been a lot of comparisons to Germany lately, and we're no where close to the progress they have made. While it's illegal to fly a Nazi flag in Germany, it's still very legal and acceptable to fly confederate flags. At the end of the civil war, there were no people held on trial or executed for treasonous acts. They were just looked at as sore losers and the rest of the country carried on with their lives. Donald Trump may not have won the popular vote, but he still won the election. People who support Donald Trump are not just hillbillies from some redneck middle of nowhere town. Yes, a great deal of his supporters may be, but there's also a large amount of educated people who still voted for him. Whether they identify as a White Supremacist or not, it doesn't change the fact that they're sympathizers and therefore perpetuate racism.
The President and other leaders of this country, during whatever era, (more specifically post civil rights movement), may have said “Racism is wrong, and that all men are created equal” but, the laws of this country have never reflected that sentiment. Those same men and some women even, said this, while simultaneously creating legislation that was harmful to Black communities.
People like Christopher Cantwell, and his White Supremacist friends think there is nothing wrong with their rallies or protests that are based on feelings of superiority, because there are endless laws and people in power to protect them. If you think there is something false about that statement, then you should think about the next one a little bit longer. They went to the Supreme Court after the city of Charlottesville denied their permit, and won, because the very system at which this country functions on, is White Supremacy. So of course it only makes sense that these people would be given a platform to exercise their "freedom of speech".
The only thing that happened post civil rights movement, was that it became “politically correct” to have these feelings at home and not outside. The hatred that is in peoples' minds, hearts, and bodies however, didn’t change one single bit. They passed those sentiments onto their offspring and so on and so forth.
Liberal America has been codifying racism since the dawn of time. They have coffee dates and wine nights with their White Supremacist friends and probable family members. All while telling themselves, and the world, “they just have different political views”, views that we all know are are based in hate. (Note: A difference of opinion, does not and will not ever equate to the value of people's lives - that's called a difference in morals.) Yet they refuse to fully disown and disassociate from these people. Conservative America sits there and says nothing for a number of reasons, but I’ll only list two for now. The first because they understand a little more intricately than their liberal counterparts just how much personal gain there is in letting this behavior continue. The next, because they’re so damn greedy that they care more about their financial and personal gain than to call out an injustice, or something that is blatantly immoral. All the while perpetrating around as a God fearing Christian.
White people who have no idea what to do in this volatile climate, but you want to change something -
Stop associating with the scum of the earth because you feel some little ounce of sympathy or stand to have some financial gain. Start holding people accountable, and to better standards too. If you legitimately detest racism the way you proclaim to on social media, have that same energy when you see your racist friends and family members.
(the following statement applies to everyone)
Vote in your local elections, work hard to keep yourself informed on your candidates. Don’t use lazy excuses like I can’t possibly keep up because, in this day and age, that’s mostly untrue. If you have a smartphone, you are more than capable of setting up alerts for whatever category you choose from a variety of news sources. (p.s., to all the white people who place the blame on people of color not showing up last November, do us all a favor, and stop. This is solely, at the hands of the white men and women who voted for him - and you, for naively doubting the existence and strength of white supremacy and racism).
And to the ignorant White Supremacist who cannot fathom a world of equality -
Leveling the playing field is not racist. It does not take any of your rights away (please do not argue that your freedom of speech is threatened, it’s not. Besides, you're clearly too dumb to understand how it works anyway).
Yours Truly,
Digital Dashh