Embracing Life and Reflecting on Growth


This has been a long period of reflection. One that hasn’t always been kind. I sometimes feel as though I’m fumbling my way through life. Or possibly fumbling and I can’t always see the forward progress I’m making. A lot of times it feels like I’m doing the same thing. Failing.

A year ago I decided to move back to New York. What started as a temporary fix, later became a permanent decision. Being home has had an interesting impact. There are ups and downs to every journey. Moving home is certainly no different. Though, my contributions to the society around me have been.

I've been working on the ways that I have an impact. Finding different avenues to get involved and share my knowledge with the rest of the world. This past year I’ve been working on a multitude of projects, and with a variety of people. I lead with love in all that I can and share that attitude with my environment. Learning to lead with love instead of fear has been one of the hardest things ever. It’s not impossible, it just takes a lot of time to figure out what that looks like for everyone. My recommendation is that you start with a little patience. Any and everything you do for yourself should be rooted in patience. Taking your time to understand how you feel and work through those feelings is crucial to your growth.

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