A Salacious Summer Night

Summer 2019 was definitely one that got me out of my comfort zone but I’m really glad I went out and participated in some fun single shenanigans while out (this was my first single summer, like ever. I’ve had a boyfriend or boyfriends basically my whole life). While I totally enjoyed myself last summer, it’s safe to say I’ll be having a much different 2020 summer. I’ll still be out having fun, but the stories probably won’t be nearly as salacious. I hope you enjoy a good laugh from one of my summer night’s out.

Got your popcorn ready? You’re in for a tall tale.

So, what does a single 20-something year old gal do in the Hamptons on a hot summer night? Well, they’re probably out in Montauk town and on the prowl. It’s a sea of bachelors and depending on where you cast your net, you might even pull a couple of big fish. 

The week leading up to the evening this piece is about was filled with the usual rounds. Hit up Sel Rrose and Surf then Pointe and finish at Memory, maybe stop over at Gig Shack and Shagwong to check the scene. We arrived at Surf Lodge and stayed for our usual 45 minutes before we headed to town. We made our rounds and had a blast livening up the dance floor while there. One of the sweet guys who works there was smitten and in for quite the ride. Much to my dismay, and his, we would both end up at Pointe next. I was there with two people I know, one of which happened to be a guy that I had fully planned on adding to my romance roster. He’s quite handsome, athletic, and adorably foreign. This was definitely one of the most fun nights out, but I have to add that later in the evening I had to explain to Greg (the one from Surf) that he couldn’t aggressively approach/shove Pedro (the friend I was out with), just because he was drunk and interested in me. I knew from the beginning that I wasn’t interested in Greg and I made it really clear. There was a moment where I was particularly turned off and it was him drunkenly overstepping his boundaries on more than one occasion that night. Needless to say, it was one hell of a Monday night.

I saw every guy that I bagged earlier that week, all in one night, all in one place, and somehow some way made it out alive, AND gave each one of them some play. Full disclaimer, I wasn’t ever interested in Greg, he wasn’t on the list, and wasn’t ever a prospect. He was just a puppy dog infatuated by me. Sweet, but not my speed.

The Thursday before that Monday I had set my eyes on a tall, dark-haired, and handsome fellow at Sel Rrose. I couldn’t tell if he was there with anyone, but I eventually got my answer and shortly after, his name and number. Meet David. 

The next night, Friday, while out at Gig Shack to check out the scene I saw a familiar face. That’s when I officially met Brad. Again, tall, dark haired, and super handsome, this time brown eyes, and not blue. At this point I had seen him out a few times now, and we’d made eye contact before, but nothing’s ever come of it. This time around I spotted him first saw and decided to make my move before I left. We usually make Gig Shack a quick trip, a one drink and scan the room kind of place. Then head out to go dance the rest of the night away, or go home. Also, full disclaimer, I’m typically the DD when we go out, so please be aware that these are all sober shenanigans on my end. Okay back to the juicy stuff. Before we ventured off for the night, I walked over to Brad and said “Hey, you’re really handsome, and I’ve seen you around, and I’d like to see you more. Put your number in my phone.” I’m quite forward when I know I want, and I have no problem being blunt and flat out asking for it. If you’re wondering, of course I left with his number that night too.

Now that you have some background, let’s jump back to the story. Fast forward and now we’re at the part of the night where Greg tried to fake fight with Pedro. The first time Greg fake bumped into Pedro was at Pointe. Things cooled down and our group of 3 went back to dancing. We were dancing in the front, per usual, and in walks David. He’s there with a gang of his work crew and we smile at one another and continue on with our nights. Pointe started to play music we couldn’t dance to anymore and we decided to take our talents over to Memory. I was having the time of my life dancing with this fabulous gay man, Matt, at pointe. I mean tearing it up to Britney’s Toxic and giving the girls life to Beyoncé’s Upgrade U. The nice part about Memory, is that it doesn’t get crowded till much later in the evening. And I’m talking 2 am later. Most of the other places are closing then, and everyone will mosey on over to Memory. So here we all are at Memory. Pedro, our gal pal, and our new friend Matt. There’s ample space to dance and we’re still tearing it up, dancing the night away. About 30 minutes in, the crowd starts to slowly creep in, and I was suddenly in a minefield of men that I had a romantic interest in.

Here it is I finally got Greg to leave Pedro alone at Pointe, and then he made his way over to Memory, just to start with him again. So, I take Greg outside, and have a small chat with him. He was incredibly inebriated and slurring his words but he understood my message. It went a little something like this, Him: “you’re not into me anymore?” Me: “I was never interested in you. I just danced with you that one night”. So, I went back in and started dancing with my friends again. Eventually I hopped up on the stage and was dancing by the DJ with some fun ladies that were there. And as I turned around to scan the room, I spotted David, and David spotted me. We made eye contact and he motioned for me to come over to him, and I took a look around the room, and of course jumped right off the stage. 

I forgot to mention that prior to this, Pedro and I were dancing, and he made his move and kissed me. So, we danced and made out for a little bit (which is usually a no-no, we’re not making out at the club) and thankfully the only person that was there to see was Greg.

So now back to David. David signaled for me to come his way, and right on time, Pedro had just gone over to the other bar to get another beer. So, I hopped off stage and slipped over to the bar where David was. Thankfully at this point, Memory is PACKED. Which means, my small ass, is incredibly hard to find in this great sea of people. However I can easily see all three of the guys, David, Bradley, and Pedro. I realize that they’re all at memory and start to fake panic on the inside. How am I supposed to finesse in a room full of fine men and I’m talking to all of them? I wasn’t going out sad though, so I told myself play it cool and try to keep an eye out for each of em. So, there I am flirting with and talking to David. He and I are getting ready to start dancing and just then we’re interrupted by one of his friends. He politely asks me to hold on a second and as I turn my head to the right, there’s Brad. Watching me with a smirk on his face.

Then he takes my hand and pulls me toward him and starts dancing with me. We danced for about 2.5 songs, then the music changed, and I was tired, HOT, and needed a break. I had literally been dancing ALLLLLL night. It was almost 2:45 in the morning at this point. Bradley and I stepped outside to chat for a bit, and 2 minutes in, Pedro and our gal pal walk by and I overhear him go “oh look there she is, see she’s fine, she doesn’t need us”. I had slipped away and was gone for about 15 minutes collectively when Pedro left for his beer as I spotted David. I laughed gave Brad a hug and kiss on the cheek then told him I’d be RIGHT back. I ran towards my friends and was on my merry way. 


We left Memory and went over to Pizza Village for some food. Pedro bought us 2 slices and drinks and after we ate, we went home. Did I mention Pedro’s my neighbor and lives literally 4 houses down from me? I dropped Pedro at his house, pulled into my driveway, and took my ass in the house. Got in my bed and laughed my ass off. Somehow, someway, I managed to have the most successful night of hoetivities. I saw all 3 of the new players on my roster, danced with, flirted with, and kissed on damn near all of them, all in the same place. Went to bed and woke up to a slew of the cutest “see you again” texts the next morning. This is the first time in my life where I’ve really embraced being single and it’s been great. For the record, all 3 of them are great lovers and very generous. I didn’t find out that evening but eventually did, and that was my whole mission. I knew the week I had met them all what I wanted. I just took my time until I was able to make it happen.

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