Let's Talk About Productivity


Chances are at some point in your life you felt the need to ‘do more’. You may have felt like you were too idle and that there was more for you to do. You might have found yourself in a state of constant busyness. Feeling like you should always have something to do is a familiar space for many of us. The trick is to understand prioritizing and responsibility. You might not be responsible for as much as you think you are. Meaning, it may not be something you actually have to keep on YOUR plate. Prioritizing what’s on your plate helps you to be more productive rather than just being busy for the sake of being busy and occupying time. Take a look at what you have on your plate that feels like busy work and see if/how you can remove it. 

Being productive doesn’t have to take up your whole day either. You can be productive and get through a few/maybe all of the tasks on your to-do list in a timely manner. 

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